Emergency Food Program

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost. It provides food and administrative funds to States to supplement the diets of these groups.

Those interested in the program are encouraged to reach out to HHoGC at info@hhogc.org or please call 606-473-6916 to learn more.
Senior Food Box Program

Commodity Supplemental Food Program is a Federal program administered by the Department of Agriculture to provide food for qualifying seniors. The program provides a monthly package of food designed to supplement the nutritional needs of low-income senior citizens. CSFP (also known as the Senior Food Box Program) is for seniors 60 and over who meet a set of income guidelines.

The box seniors receive on a monthly basis includes 34lbs of shelf stable items in addition to a block of American cheese.

Those interested in applying as a senior participant are encouraged to reach out to HHoGC at info@hhogc.org or please call 606-473-6916 to learn more.
Backpack Program

The backpack program is designed for students and children within our county service area. This program is geared towards providing a weekends’ worth of food to students who rely on their school for breakfast and lunch during the week. These packs are distributed through public schools, churches, and community organizations.
Each “backpack” provides:
4 Entrees
2 Milk
1 Juice
2 Veggie/Fruit Cup
2 Breakfasts
2 Snacks

Those interested in the program are encouraged to reach out to HHoGC at info@hhogc.org to learn more.
Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was established to ensure that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session.

Free meals, that meet Federal nutrition guidelines, are provided to all children 18 years old and under at approved SFSP sites in areas with significant concentrations of low-income children.

Those interested in the program are encouraged to reach out to HHoGC at info@hhogc.org or please call 606-473-6916 to learn more.
Holiday Gift Baskets Program

The Holiday Gift Baskets Program (HGBP) is a holiday program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, ensuring no one goes hungry during the holiday season, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost.

Those interested in the program are encouraged to reach out to HHoGC at info@hhogc.org or please call 606-473-6916 to learn more.
Clothing Assistance Program

The Clothing Assistance Program (CAP) is a program to assist those in need to get the clothing they need from the thrift store at Helping Hands of Greenup County. No one should go without clothes. HHoGC provides this service free of charge for all clients that need clothing.

Those interested in the program are encouraged to reach out to HHoGC at info@hhogc.org or please call 606-473-6916 to learn more.
Utility Assistance Program

The Utility Assistance Program (UAP) is a program to assist those in need with their utilities. Helping Hands of Greenup County provides this service through federal funding when the option and funds are available. No one should go without basic utilities.

Those interested in the program are encouraged to reach out to HHoGC at info@hhogc.org or please call 606-473-6916 to learn more.
Medical Assistance Program

The Medical Assistance Program (MAP) is a program to assist those in need with their medication. Helping Hands of Greenup County provides this service through fundraising and donations, when the option and funds are available. No one should go without needed medication.

Those interested in the program are encouraged to reach out to HHoGC at info@hhogc.org or please call 606-473-6916 to learn more.
Helping Hands of Greenup County

Feeding People Filling Lives

Contact Us

412 Main St,

Greenup, KY 41144

(606) 473-6916


© 2019 to Present... HHOGC.org