Help someone feed their family.
Helping Hands of Greenup County brings volunteers, donors, and businesses together to feed roughly 250 people per month all across Greenup County.

Join us as we work to feed those in need. Every donation, no matter the size, is appreciated. And, please know that volunteering, even one time, can change one’s heart, which can change the world. We work with several local businesses that do what they can to assist either by money contributions or food donations. If you work at a business that doesn't currently take part in this opportunity let them know we are here to help. We will work with anyone to achieve the goal of feeding all those in need in Greenup County.

Those in need come from all walks of life. The elderly who are struggling with limited resources to provide enough food for day to day life. Too those with hardships after losing their loved ones and still need to provide for their children. In worse case scenarios families that lost everything due to a natural hazard or a fire. We are hear to help in any way we can to make their tomorrow's a little brighter.

World Hunger
In a country as wealthy as the United States, it’s easy to forget that there is a growing number of people in our own country that don’t have enough to eat. According to a study published in 2020 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an estimated 1 in 5 Americans are food insecure, equating to 50 million Americans including 17 million children.

Food insecurity is different from hunger. Hunger is the physical sensation of a lack of food, whereas food insecurity is a lack of finances to purchase the adequate amount of food for your household. Food insecurity is not limited to people in poverty, just as not all people in poverty experience food insecurity.

Because of its complexity, and other factors closely related to food insecurity, like affordable housing, unemployment, or underemployment, the rate of food insecurity in the U.S. is staggering. It’s also not easy to identify who may or may not be food insecure.

Hunger Knowledge
How is hunger defined?
• The uneasy or painful sensation caused by a prolonged lack of food.
• The recurrent and involuntary lack of access to food.

What is food insecurity?
• Limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate food.
• Limited or uncertain ability to acquire suitable foods in socially acceptable ways.

Who is hungry?
• Over 50 million people in the United States live in hungry and food-insecure households. More than 16 million of those are children.
• One in six Americans does not have enough food to eat and requires emergency food assistance.
• One in five suburban households face food insecurity.
• Women in food-insecure households frequently are at the greatest risk, depriving themselves of nutritionally adequate foods to make those foods available to their children and husbands.
• One in five children is born into food-insecure households.
Who Receives Food
Hunger and poverty often go hand in hand, but poverty is not the ultimate determinant of food insecurity. People living above the poverty line are often at risk of hunger, as well. Research demonstrates that unemployment, rather than poverty, is a better predictor of food insecurity among people living in the United States.

Helping Hands of Greenup County distribute to people in the community. Our team members and volunteers make all of this possible!

Helping Hands of Greenup County team is actively pursuing new opportunities to increase our impact. As we serve and grow, we welcome partnerships that ensure success and continue to develop our own in-house programs that work to battle widespread hunger.

Together, with our partners and volunteers, we are able to achieve incredible goals. We believe that this work will prepare us for continued, successful service that will be required of us as demand continues to increase. Fighting food insecurity requires continuous growth and collaboration. Helping Hands of Greenup County stands ready for the journey. With enthusiasm, we embrace our path toward the elimination of hunger.

Helping Hands of Greenup County

Feeding People Filling Lives

Contact Us

412 Main St,

Greenup, KY 41144

(606) 473-6916

© 2019 to Present...